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Should you pick your parents as guardians for your children?

by | Feb 7, 2022 | Estate Planning

You know that you want to pick a guardian for your child, and you’re interested in making it part of your estate plan. You’re a relatively young parent, so you don’t assume that this will ever be needed, but you know how important it is to have one in place. If something unexpected happens while your child is still very young, you need to know that someone will be ready to take care of them.

Many couples turn to one of their sets of parents. They may even pick one and then use the other as a backup. This just feels natural, and they know that the child’s grandparents are going to love them. They also know that they grew up in their own parents’ home, so they can offer a wonderful living situation to the next generation. But is this a good pick?

The fit may not be as good as you would assume 

You obviously have to make this decision for yourself, and many people do this with success. However, it may not be a perfect fit, and there are a few things you may want to consider.

For instance, factors that people often think about include how much time and energy the guardian has, or whether or not they are in the appropriate physical shape or have the mental health that allows them to care for a young child. As your parents age, are they going to run into health or mobility issues that make raising a child impossible? Even if it seems realistic right now, you have to think 10 or 15 years into the future. Will they still be able to do this if they are needed?

One option may be to name your grandparents now but to have a backup with a younger couple. No matter what you choose to do, be sure you know how to set everything up from a legal standpoint