The events following a death could be unpredictable. Their family might need time and space to grieve or settle essentials following the loss. Additionally, they might face unique legal matters concerning the deceased’s estate.
The estate could undergo various procedures, depending on the circumstances. Regardless, it might need an executor or administrator who will conduct estate-related duties on behalf of the deceased. Usually, the deceased could identify a person for this role in their estate plan. If there is none or the existing will is invalid, the probate court could appoint someone based on local prioritization laws.
However, representing someone else’s estate could be overwhelming, especially if the chosen individual has other urgent responsibilities. This role comes with extensive tasks, potentially disrupting a person’s life who might have employment or caretaking commitments. Fortunately, a person can refuse the appointment if reasonable, including the following situations:
- The deceased’s residence is too far or in another state.
- There are disputes between beneficiaries or heirs.
- Stress or grief is affecting your health.
- You cannot collaborate with the co-executor.
- You lack the skills for the role.
- Other obligations are taking up your time.
Some people might feel unsure about the appointment because the deceased chose them. If that is the case, they could try initiating the process and then pass it to someone else later. They could also hire professional services if the tasks become unbearable.
Contributing factors during the appointment
Additionally, the court could interfere if the named individual cannot legally serve as the representative. The court change the appointment if the indicated person is underage, has a criminal record or is incapable due to an impairment, such as a mental disorder or substance abuse.
Sometimes, the beneficiaries could request a preferred representative. Still, the decision could depend solely on the judge’s decision in compliance with the relevant state laws. Nevertheless, appointing the estate’s representative is a crucial decision that could affect the rest of the process.